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Today I have the pleasure of announcing a new graphical client for Git that we have been working on — CollabNet GitEye. GitEye is a Java GUI client for Git written on top of the Eclipse RCP framework. We are providing downloads for Windows, OSX and Linux though we can theoretically produce builds for a few other operating systems as well if the demand is there. Leveraging the Eclipse RCP framework allows us to provide a native GUI experience on all of these different operating systems, while still benefiting from the cross platform nature of Java. This approach also allows us to leverage a number of existing Eclipse plugins, such as EGit and our own CollabNet Desktop. That said, it is important to note for those that are IDE-averse, that using the Eclipse RCP framework does not mean we are using or repackaging the Eclipse IDE itself. We are simply building this client on the same low-level framework and libraries upon which the Eclipse IDE is built. A framework that we happen to think allows us to build an outstanding and highly functional Git client.